Writing Tips for Authors 

No matter how cliché it sounds, writing is a tough task and editing seems to be a tougher task. There is no way round other than to write good English for your readers. But for all the beginner writers who are not sure what is the strategy to write good or what are the ways in which your writing can elevate to the next level, we have mentioned a few of the writing tips below to navigate through it smoothly:

  • Say less: Instead of using long sentences, write shorter ones. If you can shorten what you say in 30 words to 20 words, then do it. Nobody likes to read long draggy sentences, plus it confuses the reader more when the sentences keep on getting longer and longer. Make sure to not use redundant phrases.
  • Arrange dialogues separately from the narrative: Instead of mentioning dialogues in the same paragraph as the narrative, it will be helpful if you separate the narrative paragraphs from the dialogues. If you have given solid voice to your characters, then writing their dialogues separately would enhance the flow and readability of the book.
  • Use clichés with caution: Cliché phrases have been overused and if you keep on writing those same clichés repeatedly, readers will get bored and might skip your book altogether. Instead of using the clichés as it is, you can tweak it according to your book and characters and representation. This can add more layer to your book.
  • Don’t tell, show: One of the most basic writing techniques is to not tell people but show them through words. For example, instead of writing, “The autumn has come”; you could say, “The crunching leaves under my foot marked another season change.” In the first sentence, you are simply telling that autumn has come but with the second sentence, you are showing your readers a picture and they will decipher that autumn has come.

With the above writing tips, you can go ahead and write about the things you feel and want the world to hear.


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Wordsmith by day, digital marketing guru by night, Aditi has been busy crafting compelling content and conquering the online world for over a decade now. She will tell your story in the most captivating way imaginable! 🚀✨


Wordsmith by day, digital marketing guru by night, Aditi has been busy crafting compelling content and conquering the online world for over a decade now. She will tell your story in the most captivating way imaginable! 🚀✨

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