Santosh Nair

Santosh Nair

Santosh Nair is a Mechanical Engineer employed for more than three decades. He has travelled widely, conducting workshops in all metropolitan cities in India, including training programs triggered by various corporate associated bodies to bridge the wide gap in skill sets.

His passion for writing was latent during his formative years, but it did find expression in various forms, including blogs and social media outlets. Writing finally found its vent at the high noon of life with the support of a burgeoning readership volume.

His writings reflect his deep understanding of a bipartisan approach to thinking.

Santosh Nair has written four books on fiction;

1.The Cycle of Life

2.The Revival

3.Nursing a Dream

4.United We Stand

5. Life, Living & Livelihood – a book 36 Poems

Books by Santosh Nair
Kill to Protect

Kill to Protect

ISBN: 9789355744302
Language: English
Published: 2023

Life, Living & Livelihood: Short Poems on Life

Life, Living & Livelihood: Short Poems on Life

ISBN: 9789355743893
Language: English
Published: 2022
