
Principles of Business System Analysis and Design

Author(s): Prof. Dr. K. Prathapan Prof. Dr. Anil Trimbakrao Gaikwad

  • Language:
  • English
  • Genre(s):
  • Teaching & Education
  • ISBN13:
  • 9789359117706
  • ISBN10:
  • 9359117706
  • Format:
  • Paperback
  • Trim:
  • 6x9
  • Pages:
  • 148
  • Publication date:
  • 11-Jan-2024

  •   Available, Ships in 3-5 days
  •   10 Days Replacement Policy

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"Principles of Business System Analysis and Design," authored by Prof. Dr. K. Prathapan and Prof. Dr. Anil Gaikwad, offers a valuable resource for business entities seeking to grasp the fundamentals of system analysis and design. With a focus on functional domains like marketing, finance, human resources, and production, the book underscores the significance of leveraging computer technology for optimal business operations. Tailored for students pursuing degrees in computer applications, computer science, and engineering, it elucidates both basic concepts and cutting-edge advancements in system analysis. This comprehensive guide promises to enhance understanding and implementation within business organizations, fostering progress and benefiting stakeholders.

Prof. Dr. K. Prathapan

Prof. Dr. K. Prathapan

Prof. (Dr.) K. Prathapan (Vice Chancellor DYP Agriculture and Technical University, Talsande –Kolhapur –Maharashtra-India). He has over three decades of multifaceted experience in Research, Teaching, Administration and Management both in India and Internationally.
Prof. Dr. Anil Trimbakrao Gaikwad

Prof. Dr. Anil Trimbakrao Gaikwad

Dr. Anil Gaikwad serves as a Professor and Associate Dean of the School of Commerce and Management, as well as the School of Agri-Business Management, at DYP Agriculture and Technical University in Talasande, Kolhapur, Maharashtra, India, since November 2022. He brings 27 years of teaching experience across postgraduate courses such as MBA and MCA, as well as undergraduate programs including BBA and BCA.

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