
Breaking the Silence: Unveiling Sexism in Alice Munro's Narrative Realms

Author(s): Dr. Syed Mir Hassim Dr. V. B. Chithra Dr. N. Usha

  • Language:
  • English
  • Genre(s):
  • Literature & Culture
  • ISBN13:
  • 9798891710139
  • ISBN10:
  • 889171013X
  • Format:
  • Ebook
  • Pages:
  • 253
  • Publication date:
  • 22-Jun-2022

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Alice Munro is one of the most consummate fiction writers of the English language from Canada. The present study, Breaking the Silence: Unveiling the Sexism in Alice Munro’s Narrative Realms, makes a humble attempt at developing the art of the Canadian born contemporary master of the short story. Through her first anthology of short stories, Dance of the Happy Shades, Alice Munro presents the life she has seen, experienced, and lived since her childhood. Incidentally, this volume won her Canada’s most fêted Governor General's Award in 1968. During the five decades of her career as a short fiction writer, she won many such awards before she was crowned with the Nobel Prize in 2013. This critical study throws light on the portrayal of women's social and cultural experiences in a country that has been the home of immigrants from diverse countries. Munro also relates her feminist concerns in the portrayal of women with the general social life.

Dr. Syed Mir Hassim

Dr. Syed Mir Hassim

Dr. Mir Hassim Syed has his Master’s in English Literature, and M.Phil. from Sri Venkateswara University, Tirupati, the Doctoral Degree from Krishna University, Machilipatnam, and P.G Diploma in English Language Teaching from R.I.E. (S.I.), Bengaluru. He is specialized in Phonetics and English Language Teaching (ELT). He has more than ten thousand hours of training in the arena of Global Skills to his credit.
Dr. V. B. Chithra

Dr. V. B. Chithra

Dr. V. B. Chithra is a highly experienced Professor of English at JNTUA College of Engineering, Anantapur, Andhra Pradesh, with 27 years of teaching and 14 years of research experience. She has conducted numerous faculty development programs and training sessions, benefiting both faculty and students.
Dr. N. Usha

Dr. N. Usha

Prof. N. Usha teaches in the Department of English, Krishna University, AP-INDIA. Educated at Central University, Pondicherry, her major research interests are Comparative Literature and the Literature of the Indian Diaspora.

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