
Aspire dreams with glorious colour

Author(s): Dhanya Ganesh

  • Language:
  • English
  • Genre(s):
  • Poetry
  • ISBN13:
  • 9789390261703
  • ISBN10:
  • 9390261708
  • Format:
  • Paperback
  • Trim:
  • 5x8
  • Pages:
  • 44
  • Publication date:
  • 14-Sep-2020

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My book "Aspire dreams with glorious colour" is a collection of 20 poems. A reflection which inspires every youth to pursue their dreams on desired fields. More over this book contains poetry subjects of finding ourselves and identifying the strength, finding happiness on little things. I hope that it will fascinate reader's mind and initiate positive dynamism in their life.

Dhanya Ganesh

Dhanya Ganesh

Dhanya Ganesh, born in Coorg on 30th September 1993. She has a strong passion towards reading and writing. After completing Masters in MBA in human resource and Marketing specialization presently working has a lecturer in Coorg.

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