
Rethinking Competitiveness in the Real Estate Industry – How Stakeholder Orientation Creates More Value

Author(s): Mahmoud AlBurai Wolfgang Amann

  • Language:
  • English
  • Genre(s):
  • Business & Management
  • ISBN13:
  • 9781954399297
  • ISBN10:
  • 1954399294
  • Format:
  • Hardcover
  • Trim:
  • 8x10
  • Pages:
  • 158
  • Publication date:
  • 02-Jan-2021

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Classic approaches to competitiveness have traditionally been relying on mere economistic thinking. They ignore both the responsibility to incorporate sustainability and the rich potential of a broader inclusion of stakeholders. This research-based analysis suggests and details a more promising way forward. Linking the analysis to Dubai allows for a concrete example and point of orientation. Truly acknowledging stakeholder's demands can help the real estate industry to reach unprecedented levels of competitiveness and differentiation.

Mahmoud AlBurai

Mahmoud AlBurai

Dr. Mahmoud AlBurai is senior advisor at the Real estate Regulatory Agency of Dubai mandated to work on a plan to make Dubai more competitive.
Wolfgang Amann

Wolfgang Amann

Professor Dr. oec. D.Litt. (hon.) Wolfgang Amann graduated from the University of St.Gallen in Switzerland with a doctorate in international strategy. He is also a graduate of key faculty development programs, such as Harvard University’s Institute for Management and Leadership in Education, IESE’s IFP, IMD’s ITP, the EFMD International Deans Program, and CEEMAN’s IMTA. He won numerous awards for his teaching, case and book writing, and academic impact.

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