
The Police Warriors on The Indo-Chinese Border in Ladakh

Author(s): Bal Krishan Karkra

  • Language:
  • English
  • ISBN13:
  • 9788194348603
  • ISBN10:
  • 8194348609
  • Format:
  • Paperback
  • Trim:
  • 5.8x8.3
  • Pages:
  • 228
  • Publication date:
  • 23-Oct-2019

  •   Available, Ships in 3-5 days
  •   10 Days Replacement Policy

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Story of the exploits of a police platoon deployed on the Indo-China border in Ladakh.

Bal Krishan Karkra

Bal Krishan Karkra

B.K. Karkra is a well-decorated soldier with scholarly inclinations. He had the privilege of putting on four different uniforms in his career - the olive green of the Indian Army, khaki of the Indian Police, grey of the National Security Guard (better known as the Black Cat Commandos) and black as the Supreme Court advocate.

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