
The middle class woes

Author(s): Pavani Sree K.

  • Language:
  • English
  • Genre(s):
  • Poetry
  • ISBN13:
  • 9789390785957
  • ISBN10:
  • 9390785952
  • Format:
  • Ebook
  • Trim:
  • 5x8
  • Pages:
  • 81
  • Publication date:
  • 15-Apr-2021

Available at

India is a picturesque country in many ways, where culture, tradition, food, and family come together to form a mosaic of different landscapes attractive to both natives and foreigners. The images of different documentaries and films reach foreigners, giving an image of beauty that for the natives of this country seems to be diminishing to the point that we forget that it is almost everywhere: a beauty in plain sight that no one can see.

But where is the sentiment involved in India? Many of us ignore the reality of this situation and only live by the images that our mind produces when we think about what documentaries, films, and others show us. Where is the criticism of the traditions that tie us to an unconventional past? Where is the love and appreciation of our current culture?

For this reason, the writer Pavani Sree shows us through her poetry, the reality found in India today: through her feelings expressed in words, she manages to create a true piece of art with her poems. In them, she criticizes the outdated traditions that continue to prevail and the negative feelings attached to that traditions, but at the same time joining them to the happiness and appreciation of all the positive situations that can be seen only deep within Indian society. Strong and harsh criticism of what must be updated and an ode to what must continue to prevail forever.

The reader will be able to intrude into each feeling, each tradition, and each ode to the situation in the country, seeking to identify with poetry which ends up giving a much more realistic vision of what is happening. These readings will leave us in a meditative state which will make us improve positively through the change of thought, and at the same time, making us appreciate more the positive that the whole conglomerate of situations brings us that make Indian society something totally unique.

Pavani Sree K.

Pavani Sree K.

Pavani Sree earned her Master’s Degree in sociology from the University of Hyderabad and is currently pursuing a sociology PhD in disability studies. Having spent much of her adult life studying the struggles of the middle class and the inequalities facing the disabled, she often finds herself eager to throw herself into new battles.

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