
The Alternative Narrative

Author(s): Jadabeswar Bhattacharjee

  • Language:
  • English
  • Genre(s):
  • Politics
  • ISBN13:
  • 9789391522407
  • ISBN10:
  • 9391522408
  • Format:
  • Paperback
  • Trim:
  • 6x9
  • Pages:
  • 85
  • Publication date:
  • 07-Oct-2021

  •   Available, Ships in 3-5 days
  •   10 Days Replacement Policy

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This book is a compilation of eighteen articles on different contentious topics. Each topic has a prevailing narrative. But the author, in the book, has given the other side of each such narrative. The politically correct readers may find the articles contrary to their understanding. They may cry, they may get angry, but they won’t be able to ignore the articles, which will surely shake them up from wishful slumber. Politically India is standing at a crossroad now. More than seven decades after independence, India is slowly but steadily coming out of the British intellectual slavery to become a nation by reclaiming its own ethos and culture which are thousands of years old. This present paradigm shift necessitates transformation and change in the narrative of India too. The book tries to give a hint to that effect only. Due to overlapping nature of topics, a few repetitions of contents have been allowed in the book.

Jadabeswar Bhattacharjee

Jadabeswar Bhattacharjee

Jadabeswar Bhattacharjee was born and brought up in Assam. After completion of education; he was selected and joined the Central Health Service. He served in Arunachal Pradesh, Delhi and Kolkata. By training, he is an Epidemiologist.

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